
"Where do you want do eat?" A recurring dilemma when eating out is deciding where to eat. This app solves that. You enter the name of the city or use geolocation, the app can then give you a list and random suggestions of nearby food locations.
try the live demo
- lists all restaurants within a certain radius of your location
- random food location suggestions button
- interactive map that
- renders 3D buildings based on zoom level
- instant search (city name suggestions, PH and AU)
- geolocation (currently only works on chromium-based browsers)
- React
- Redux for state managment
- MapBox
- Four Square Places
- Algolia Search
- Material-UI
- NodeJS
- Express
Watch Next

A web app for discovering new movies and tv shows to watch.
try the live demo
- Instant search
- Infinite scroll
- Reactive filtering based on year, genre, rating
- Weekly trending list
- Links to similar content
- Media info, trailers, images, cast, user reviews,
- ReactJS
- React-Router for client side routing
- RESTful API (
- Semantic UI React
- NodeJS backend
- Express
Launch Box

A web app for tracking current, previous, and future Space-X rocket launch. Also aggregates news related to the company.
try the live demo
- Next launch countdown and info
- Past missions info, video and launch images
- Scheduled future missions
- spacex-related news
- React
- React-Router
- Material-UI
- REST API (unofficial space-x api)

A web application for monitoring the top 100 cryptocurrencies (in terms of market cap). It shows historical data, market statistics, interactive charts for technical analysis and crypto-to-fiat conversion.
try the live demo
- Paginated table of top 100 cryptocurrencies
- Technical Analysis chart
- crypto-to-fiat conversions
- Interactive historical price chart
- Descriptions & market statistics
- ReactJS
- Redux for global state management
- React-Router for client-side routing
- Ant Design UI
- RESTful APIs (CoinGecko, TradingView)
- Frappe Charts for data visualization/charting